Friday, January 15, 2010

"the things you do for love" (or coffee)

learned a lesson tonight. wal-mart teaches you patience. there's only one place in town that i know of that sells the kind of coffee i like and it happens to be at wal-mart. i will not tell you what KIND of coffee it is however, since i've learned that the rule about supply and demand they taught me in high school applies, and you all will go out and buy it all up and therefore raising the price of it... so i will just tell you that it is only there and leave it at that. (oh my word, RANDY, if you don't stop screwing around on this computer and changing the font, i will choke you). geeze. i can't even see what i'm typing. frustrating...
anyways, just went in for a book and coffee and some amazingly sweet women in her 40's decided that i was too much of an inconvenience to her and she totally cut in line with a FULL cart, so i moved to another line so i didn't accidentally kick her in her, um... cart, as she was fumbling around trying to alphabetize her groceries. unfortunately my move placed me closer to a child, who if it were mine would TOTALLY have gotten a spanken right then and there. so i was in the dilemma of putting my handful of coffee, water and much needed minty gum down and walking out, or being patient and getting what i went there to get. if it were solely for me, i would've walked out, but like i said, there was the issue of the coffee.
not much of a moral to this story other than as soon as i get finished with this blog, i'm looking up to see if i can buy it online and completly avoid that store for the rest of my LIFE!!!


Kim said...

Walmart is not my favorite either. I totally understand. Hope you found the coffee online.

Carrie Anne Schmeck said...

I've banned Walmart from my life starting this year for both political and social reasons. One time, a woman unloaded my cart (I had run to the next aisle to grab something) onto a shelf so she didn't have to walk to the front of the store to get her own cart. Can you imagine?

mary said...

I never go to Wal-mart unless absolutely necessary. I feel like that kind of situation happens to me every time. I shop Target! But I understand the great coffee thing, anything for a good cup!