Sunday, March 1, 2009

no title

i do want to thank EVERYONE who has provided us meals over the last few months. if i still have a dish of yours, feel free to call me and i will get it to you. call the stirring, and they will give you my cell number. i am excited to start cooking again though. that's where my creativity comes out. i LOVE to cook, and have really missed it. i certainly haven't been up to it though, so these meals have been a real blessing. We are going to be starting a new family diet to get us and keep us healthy. we've been doing a lot of research into what helps to grow cancer cells, since we ALL have cancer cells in us. that's for another blog, but i am excited to eat as clean as we possibly can. it means lots more raw fruits and veggies. as "whole foodish" as we can get. limit take out and red meat, and drinking LOTS and LOTS of water. hopefully we will see a change in our appearance and immune system. no more beer, since it's loaded with sugar. ONE glass of red wine as recommended, and NO MORE WHITE BREAD FOR RANDY!!! ha! we'll see. he's motivated though to not have to go through anymore chemo than is necessary.

this is turning into a book, so i will just say goodnight for now. love you guys!


mary said...

Did you get me a good reciepe? I need something other than the norm that is quick, easy,and good! Glad I got to spend a little time with you Sunday!

Bethany said...

I have heard a lot about diet and cancer and that its key to eat right, and not to feed the cancer. I give you props for doing it! We should all eat this way. I love white bread to!!! ANd my sugar :(