there's always something to do when you're a mom and wife. something needs to be cleaned, fixed, taught, fed or otherwise helped in some way. i'm sure that something needs to be done, but not today. today's the day that i choose to be bored.
so far so good. i woke up to day old coffee. it's peete's, didn't want to waste it. got on the ol' myspace. took out a couple of people on mafia wars. (i'm sure that will come back to haunt me). listened to my son talk, or mumble in his own 9 year old "boy language" about a game he just beat. he's beyond excited to share that with his daddy. hopped in the shower. walked out of my room to a smiling, excited little girl who just made pani-cakes all on her own. she's 7, and makes better pancakes than I-HOP. i think i'll share a pic with you...

so anyways, now i sit here, deciding to attempt this blog thing, knowing it's solely for my benefit since i will be the only one reading it and wondering if my spelling is correct, hoping that i can figure out how to upload the picture of this morning's breakfast... and wonder how the rest of the day will turn out. yep, today's the day for ME! woohoo!
Any moment that you take time to enjoy what your kids enjoy is a great moment. The pancakes look great.
Hey Kristyn. Welcome to the blog world. I'll add you to the Stirring blog roll.
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