Wednesday, March 4, 2009

and i quote:

"what cancer cannot take from you"

"It connot take away your faith,
shatter your hope or lessen your love.
It cannot destroy true friendship,
invade the soul or take away eternal life.
It cannot conquer your spirit."
(this was sent to us from a friend, in the form of a magnet)

with a broken heart, i write this...
as he set across from a little girl the same age as our daughter at Solace Cancer Care,
"with a beautiful hat on, a vetran, as the nurses say, with her bag of goodies and mom at her side, randy was THANKFUL for it to be him sitting there instead of his kids or me..."
this morning i was in the shower thinking to myself what cancer DOES take away from you:
~scout meetings with your son
~tea parties with your daughter
~walks on the beach with your wife
~your strength, hair, ability to eat, sleep, excersise, ability to dream about the future.....
we just got our kids to the age where we can ENJOY our marriage. that's what cancer takes away from you.
this blog is so painful for me to write. how i wish it was me to be in his shoes, or slippers as the case may be. how is it that God uses the HOLY to grow the unworthy? why does God choose to talk to us during our brokenness. BROKEN LEG OF THE LAMB! i get it!!!! at least Jesus is carrying me like that sweet little lamb that he carried in the lovely pic of him and the lamb. if you don't go to the stirring, listen to the blog from last Sunday....


Kim said...

I'm glad you all know the Lord and that He is carrying you through these hard and trying times. Thanks for sharing the real face of cancer.

Unknown said...

All I can say is "inspiring"

You continue to inspire me with what you write, and your honesty Kris!

We love you guys A LOT...lots...praying still!!

kddub said...

It seems that cancer truly is a battle, a struggle for all involved. Praying for your family...

Carrie Anne Schmeck said...

I pray that from his glorious and unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his spirit. Ephesians 3:16 NLT

Here is a big hug.

An Unlikely Retirement said...

And a big hug from me.

Unknown said...

Kristyn, thank you for being real through this journey. It's so easy to share how God is good, how we know He's taking care of us. But I don't think it would be very real of us not to share our anger, our heartbreak, our defeat. Because it's in that brokeness that God can use you to touch others lives.

As painful as it is right now, thank you for sharing your true feelings. Please know that you are NOT alone in them and that even strangers are walking beside you in prayer.

mary said...

GOd never siad that taking up His cross and following Him would be easy, But Heaven is worth the price. HAng in there and think about the things that you will be doing for years when Randy gets better.The walks the teen parties and the boy scouts meetings! If God gave His life for us, why would we expect anything less from ourselves. Glorify God in this journey, You will be blessed.

Bethany said...

I HATE CANCER! Thanks for sharing, this is very touching, and you are such an amazing incredible woman of God!