Saturday, January 24, 2009

Why not?!?!

Picture this... it's been a really long week. I'm tired. Randy's sick. Gillian got suspended. Conor's doing... well. boss is out of town, hence me being tired because I'm doing 2 jobs. cell phone breaks... truck breaks. I'm all alone @ 930 pm with no cell phone, no power steering, truck's overheating, loosing ability to handle truck on the freeway, and I still have to get it home because I'm not walking down the freeway in heals with no jacket, no cash and no phone on a Friday night. so now what do I do? I get it home, how? i don't know. (i probably blew the engine by driving it when i know i should have pulled over) i pull into the driveway, run into the house yelling for my sick husband to come help. he runs out there, shakes his head at the steam coming out of the front, and lifts the hood. he comes back in the house and goes to bed. I look, and the serpentine belt is just hanging there. now what?

i don't sleep. still have to work today. have no idea how to fix the truck other than get it towed to, who? on a weekend? i have to work Monday. i have Dr's appointments on Monday. does insurance cover this kind of thing? how the heck much is this gonna cost?!?!?!? plus I'm in a lot of pain, and am now sleep deprived, and have no idea what to do next. i will start with coffee and prayer.


An Unlikely Retirement said...

I'm praying for you today. Call Cable - I'll be he knows just what to do.

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Stephanie. I am a long time friend on the Bays. I just wanted you to know that I pray for you and your family often. Hang in there.

Becky Moseley said...

Dang it. I wish we had an extra car that we could loan you guys until this gets sorted out. Well, we'll be praying. Let us know if there's anything we can do.

mary said...

Girl I've been there recently and learned only one thing. Take a deep breath, when it rains it pours. Tackle one thing at a time. The most important, hug both your kids, kiss your husband and realize that everyone is safe. Then the human list of the needs. But remember one thing at a time. Monday is a long way away and you have friends, keep leaning on them! I'm praying for you.

Unknown said...

Kristyn, you are an inspiration! Thanks for sharing this very human response to life--I hate cars, btw. Praying for you guys!