THEN on December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th, he will start his second round. He will go to the hospital for 10 hours at a time, but can sleep at home. This has only 2 drugs, but causes different side effects than the first set. Merry Christmas...
Once again, he gets 3 weeks off, then they do another PET scan. This will continue for 6 months.
He will have a catheter inserted into his chest for the duration of treatment. Because of this, he will have Home Health Care to help with the dressings and keeping it clean.
I think that's about it. He will have a gamut of scans starting Monday. The first one is to make sure his heart is healthy enough to insert the catheter. The second one is a bone scan to check on his pelvic bones. FUN!!!
This is just the beginning: Meet Dr. Collins and Kristina, her nurse.

Okay, what can we do to show our support? Should we all shave our heads? Yeah, I know, I'm a girl with a lumpy head...this may not be a good thing. But, maybe a ribbon? A pin? A certain colored shirt? Think of something, okay? And Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for a God so great that he creates people with such a gift for medicine that Randy can be cured!
Wow is about all I can say. My mother in law does hers every three weeks but not like this! God's journey...pray throughout. Let me know if you need anything. I'll be on the next flight! Even if it is just to hold your hand. Maybe I'll drive and get there quicker!
Just sending love and prayers for the journey you begin tomorrow.
Kristin, I am praying for you here in San Diego along with all of my friends in small group. Thanks for the updates. Keep them coming so we can be praying specifically. God is the healer. You have an amazing spirit of God about you and that is what will pull you through this. You are deeply loved. :)
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