Not much has changed really, except for his chemo schedule. He used to go in for 2 different cycles, every three weeks. One cycle was for 3 days, the other for 5. He finished his 3 day cycle, and so they spilt up his 5 day cycle into 2
separate ones. From here on out, he will go in for 5 days, then 1 day three weeks later. The 1 day will be outpatient. :)
He is feeling very excited and is looking at this downhill battle with a smile on his face. He WILL get to go on a small tour with the guys in the fall. This is a very good thing. The
dr. plans on sending him home on antibiotics to keep him from getting sick again. There's some peace there for me. Without them, I don't think I would be getting much sleep with him being home, with all the worry of him passing in his sleep like the
dr. said could happen...
He will also have scans this week or the next, so we should know then. I'll keep you posted. thanks again for all your prayers.